DC for Jasco


Project motivation

Jasco Products Company LLC, American specialist for consumer electronics and lighting, celebrated the go-live of its new fulfilment centre in Oklahoma City at the end of April 2022. The project's successful completion pleased not only Jasco but also their construction partner Burns & McDonnell and intralogistics specialist TGW. 

Over the course of the past months, TGW extended the existing fulfilment centre by a powerful, future-proof system. With this automation, Jasco lays the foundation for future growth. The extension was implemented during live operation in order to ensure that customers continued to be supplied.

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Background Grid Invers
key benefits

  • AUTOMATION as the answer to the difficult search for employees

  • IMPROVED ERGONOMICS FOR EMPLOYEES Reduction of physical stress: less lifting and shorter walking distances

  • EFFICIENT Automation leads to optimised processes and reduced operating costs

  • FOUNDATION LAID FOR FUTURE GROWTH The high-performance system meets the requirements of today and has the flexibility to accommodate future scenarios


Jasco sells to wholesalers, retailers and direct customers. The new omni-channel solution supports both full case and split case picking. All wholesale and retail orders are sent to one of TGW SlotStax' three ergonomic, semi-automated palletising workstations. There, the pallets for the customer orders are compiled, automatically stretch-wrapped and labelled in preparation for dispatch, and all at waist level so that the operators no longer have to lift large and heavy boxes.


Split case picking of Jasco products for wholesale, retail and direct customers is carried out using TGW FlashPick®. In the warehouse's four aisles, TGW Stingray shuttles store and retrieve goods and transport them to two PickCenter ONE workstations for picking. There, the orders are ergonomically picked into totes. This completely does away with the need for walking during the picking process and significantly increases the accuracy and speed of order fulfilment. After picking, the order totes continue to the packing area, where they are packed into larger, conveyable cartons, sealed and labelled for tracking.




The TGW warehouse software controls and optimises the picking processes and communicates in real time with the entire system. What is unique at Jasco is the software's ability to automatically convert source totes into order totes, based on the order requirements. The system is capable of processing orders containing 1 to 80+ order lines.

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The incoming trucks are manually unloaded in the goods-in area. From there, the cartons are transported to the sorting loop via a network of conveyors. Employees then stack them manually on pallets that are stored in the high-bay warehouse. That warehouse is used for supplying the four-aisle TGW shuttle system with replenishments. Two ergonomic PickCenter ONE picking workstations are connected to the shuttle system. These 1:1 goods-to-person workstations sustainably increase the speed of order compilation as well as efficiency and accuracy, not to mention doing away with the need for pickers to walk long distances.

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After the go-live, Jasco will continue to trust in TGW's expertise and experience: a five-year full-service contract has been signed. TGW's Lifetime Services specialists will ensure that the highly-automated system runs smoothly, reliably and at full performance, 24-7.



Founded in 1975, privately held Jasco Products Company develops innovative consumer products for international omni-channel distribution including mass merchants, home improvement stores, food and drug retailers, military installations, e-commerce retailers, distributors and direct marketers.

Based in Oklahoma City, Jasco offers a full-service experience with sales offices and showrooms located throughout North and South America, and additional business offices in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Shenzhen, China.

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